Hunter Taylor

What does Gatebil mean to you?

  • Gatebil means community. I have never in all my life seen a group of people love something more than this and on top of that be so incredibly helpful. This community is extremely supportive and I wouldn’t be where I Am today without it.

What has been your biggest achievement in racing?

  • So far I have only been drifting for just under 6 years. Mainly during the summer and on the ice tracks during the winter for practice. In 2021 I decided I would try my hand at drifting competitions. I joined the Norwegian Drift Championship Pro 2 where out of 30+ drivers I finished 9th for my first season and had 4th and 2nd place qualifying accomplishments. I still have a lot to learn but the goal is to win one day.

Who has been the biggest support for you?

  • I would say my biggest supporters have been my sponsors, mechanics,  Fredric and many of our friends. They made my dream become a reality.

What is your plan for the 2022 season?

  • My plan for 2022 is to gain as much competition experience as possible. I will set small goals for myself each round in hopes of making those to boost confidence in myself. A podium is always nice but I like to keep things realistic and know I’m still learning what it means to be a true competitor.

Why did you choose this car?

  • We choose the Supra because it’s a great chassis for drifting and it holds the Toyota legacy.

What has been the most challenging thing about this car?

  • The size and weight of the car can make it challenging.

Tell the story of this car since you got it.

  • I fell in love with drifting in 2015 when I met Fredric Aasbø. In 2016 I was surprised at Christmas with the announcement we would build me a drift car. Together with a lot of help from friends from all over Norway we completed the car and by Gatebil Mantorp in 2017 we saw the track for the first time.

Do you have a special name for your car?

  • We decided to name her Tiffany after the Bride Of Chucky. Fredrics first Supra was named Chucky.

What car did you work on before the upcoming season?

  • The Supra and I had a bad accident at Gatebil Rudskogen last year. So this winter we had a lot of work to do. Thankfully with a lot of help, we fixed her up and made her even better.