The accredited media representatives shall obey all the instructions of the stewards, safety personnel, Gatebil Crew, and official persons of the event at all times. If you are unsure of the position you have taken or anything else, reach out to the closest marshal on the track, if needed reach out to Media Responsible of the Festival (you will find the contacts in the end of the presentations). If given any instructions – you must follow them without a question. If you think that the instructions have been unfair, let us know by mail (you will find the contacts in the end of the presentations). - VESTS
You must always wear your Media Vest when taking photos/videos at Gatebil Festival territory. The number on the vest must be always visible. You are not allowed to give your media vest to anyone else. You receive your vest at the Tickster Tent by the entrance, and you must deliver it by 17:00 on Sunday at Taxi tent. - LIABILITY
By entering the track area, you approve, that you are 18 years or older, that you have a personal insurance, as well as you approve, that you understand the risks and take full responsibility of your well-being. - IN THE TRACK LIMITS
It is forbidden to sit anyplace inside of the track limits. If you are tired, get off the track zone.
Always be aware of all moving vehicles.
If possible, always place yourself behind a barrier/tire and be ready to move quickly. Remember not to touch/sit/stand/lean on any of the barriers. You must be at least 30 cm from it.
Beware of moving vehicles! Your safety at the track or service park depends only on you. Pay close attention to the surrounding activities!
Avoid being too close to the race cars at the service park! Do not disturb work of the mechanics around the cars! Do not disturb work of teams!
Avoid reclining against the rally cars as they may start sudden movement and some car parts may be fragile and/ or hot.
Avoid standing nearby fire-fighters, sport rescue or ambulance cars as they may start sudden movement without prior warning
reIn case it is necessary to review the working material (photos, videos, etc.), avoid doing it near the track. Choose a safer place! 13. It is not allowed to cross the track during the heats. Cross the route between races, making sure you cross it at the marked places. If you are unsure in this case, ask the judges on the track.
All media entering Track has to be at least 18 years. - ALCOHOL AND OTHER SUBSTANCES
Presence at the race venue under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or other substances, as well using them is strictly prohibited if you are wearing a Media Vest.
It is not allowed to go inside track limits if you are under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or other substances. - DRONES
Accredited media representatives are forbidden to use drones or any other ground- controlled flying device, if they don’t have permission of the event organisers and haven’t been approved for that for each festival separately. If a person is approved, they will be added to a drone chatroom and will report of each separate flight accordingly. In the event territory it is only Gatebil approved drones and police that is allowed to fly. Anyone who does not have the permission from Gatebil, will be asked to leave the festival immediately without a possibility to return, as well as will be declined from any future media accreditation possibilities.
Kristiana: / +47 93673040