«The Big Entry Show» 2025 – Vålerbanen 23. – 25. mai

«The Big Entry Show» ble for første gang introdusert på Vålerbanen i 2024, til ellevill jubel fra samtlige tribuner! Vi gjentar suksessen i år, men denne gang har samtlige deltakere fått blod på tann – og vet enda bedre hva de går til. «Big entrys» – selve definisjonen på god bilkontroll! Gatebil er kjent med at det snakkes blant flere av førerne som gjorde det godt i fjor, om at det skal satses enda hardere i 2025! Med sjåfører som – trippel verdensmester i drifting – Fredric Aasbø i front, kan ikke dette bli annet en superheftig! Som dette eksempelet demonstrerer:

12 – 15 av Norges dyktigste «sladde-førere» gjør hva de kan for å stille opp bilen mest mulig spektakulært før det sladdes gjennom svingen (etter langsletta) på Vålerbanen. Eliminasjonsmetoden gjelder: Først 12 – 15 deltakere, deretter 8 i semifinalen og til slutt 4 i finalen.

Deltakerne velges ut på bakgrunn av viste kvalifikasjoner på banen i løpet av tidligere drifting-heat og meritter. Så her gjelder det å satse! Det er lov å delta med trekk på alle fire, bakhjula eller forhjulstrekk. Trekk på fremre – og helt rå på bruk av brekket – klin til alt du kan!

Dekkvalg? Helt fritt og opp til deg! Øvrige regler? Ikke annet enn Gatebils faste regler. Her ønsker vi alt fra vanlige gatebiler, til reinspikka driftebiler. Her er det åpent for at hvem som helst kan vinne! Bare sørg for å vise hva du er god for fredag – og kom tilbake med pokal til peishylla lørdag.

Gatebil Våler 2024

– satsing
– vinkel
– hastighet

Dommerne ser etter de mest aggressive og raskeste førerne, fremfor masse småsladder og børning. For å sitere redric Aasbø; Think of the run as a “knit that charges”: You tighten the knit as much as you can, and release all the energy in the entry to the chicane.

I motsetning til vanlig drifting er vi ikke så nøye på racinglinjer eller optimal sporvalg. Tvert i mot! Vi ønsker heller at du frir til publikum. Frir på den måten Gatebil er blitt kjent for at førerne på banen har gjort det i flere tiår, bare at her settes det i system. Og du kan bli den som tar seieren hjem!

Lykke til.

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The participants will be picked out and selected based on what is shown on Gatebil drift lines on Friday and previous merits in drifting. The competition is open to cars with both rear-wheel drive, four-wheel drive and front-wheel drive. There are no requirements for tires or regulations beyond Gatebil’s safety regulations for track driving, and it is desirable to have a large variety in the type of cars and participants – everything from pure street cars with simple modifications to thoroughbred drifting cars. Everyone can win here if you have steel control on the tool you got! Show us what you can do on Friday – and join the big highlight of spring on Saturday!

Drivers are welcome to express interest to participate at the regular drivers briefings at the festival on Friday up to 18:00 by filling in a form that will be available in the drivers briefing room.

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The perfect run looks like this:

  • Roll off at the start without wheel spin and drive with grip out of turn 10 (out onto the depot area)
  • Accelerate as hard as you can down the depot flat to get as much speed as possible into a backwards entry.
  • Aggressive flick past the start/finish, into the backwards entry with the rear end of the car towards the audience stand.
  • Important: It is better to have a slightly smaller angle, but keep the speed up and be in control, than to send the car into a spin, lose speed and have to correct out of the entry.
  • Controlled transition into the left turn out of the chicane,
  • Absolutely 100% full throttle out of the chicane and down past the cafeteria.

TRACKLineup and service cars: Between turn 8 and turn 9 (the start of the “driving lane”)
The Big Entry: Into turn 1 (the chicane after the start/finish)
Finish line: Turn 3 (past the cafeteria building)

Lineup and service cars: Between turn 8 and turn 9 (the start of the “driving lane”)
The Big Entry: Into turn 1 (the chicane after the start/finish)
Finish line: Turn 3 (past the cafeteria building)

Judging criteria: Impact, angle and speed. The judges want as aggressive and fast driving as possible, rather than a lot of angles and “burnout” over the entire course. Think of the run as a “knit that charges”: You tighten the knit as much as you can, and release all the energy in the entry to the chicane.

– Impact
– angle
– speed
The judges want as aggressive and fast driving as possible, rather than a lot of angles and “burnout” over the entire course. Think of the run as a “knit that charges”: You tighten the knit as muGatebil handler ikke bare om det som skjer på banen. I 2025 blir det selvfølgelig Meguiar’s Showgarden på alle Gatebil-festivalene.
Showgarden er et stort utstillingsområde der alle som har en spesiell og fin bil som skiller seg ut fra mengden kan delta. Både nye og gamle – originale og ombygde.

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Lineup and service cars: Between turn 8 and turn 9 (the start of the “driving lane”)
The Big Entry: Into turn 1 (the chicane after the start/finish)
Finish line: Turn 3 (past the cafeteria building)

Intervju med Fredrick Aasbø
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Interview with Fredric Aasbø – three-time Formula Drift champion:

Who came up with the concept of The Big Entry Show?

Fredric: – After 15 years of drifting around the world, it has started to feel a bit stale and repetitive. I also feel like Gatebil is the perfect place to try new competition formats… So I simply suggested the competition to Hans Jørgen (“Bassan”) at Gatebil. He loved the idea.

Tell me how The Big Entry Show is different from other drift competitions?

Fredric– The Big Entry Show is different from other drift competitions in a few ways: It’s a very compressed show of just one major highlight: The high speed entry, which is arguably the coolest part of drifting. Also, we’ve removed all the technical rules from regular drifting, in an effort to removed the politics, the long waits and some of the drama that often hurt a typical drifting show. We want this to be a fun, high action experience for everyone.

Are you going to be judging this competition in the first time Gatebil is having it?

Fredric– Yes, I will be the head judge and will be placed with the spectators and the other judges. The goal is to feel the energy within the grandstand and judge in line with what the fans want to see.

What is going through your mind while you yourself are driving as in the video about it? What are you thinking about?

Fredric– Well, anytime I’m on track, I’m just focusing on the next corner. But – sending the car into a deep, aggressive entry probably makes me focus a little bit extra… When you get it right, it’s the best feeling ever.

Do you still get adrenaline from drifting?

Fredric– I absolutely still get adrenaline from drifting, but not until it’s really “ON”. The travelling and waiting has gotten old, but going into battle or trying to stick that one corner you’ve been struggling with definitely makes my blood flow. This is what keeps me going. But: I’m also getting a kick out of being behind the scenes, letting other people shine and help develop new experiences and ideas.

What kind of skills a driver needs to master to drive the Show?

Fredric– Of course, you need excellent car control. But, you also need to be able to hold back that little bit – because if you charge too hard, you’ll send your car into a spin and possibly roll in the treacherous sand pit at Vålerbanen.

Why should people come and watch the Show?

Fredric: – If we get this right, it’ll be the coolest one hour show at Gatebil ever. A perfect pit party and a good time with your friends, watching some kick ass driving from the best seats in the house. See you there!