De som liker kule bilfilmer, særlig filmer med mye drifting, har helt sikkert lagt merke til filmene fra Robyworks. Og nå i juli var det kjente film-crewet fra Latvia for første gang på Gatebil.
Filmen de laget blir publisert tirsdag 31 juli kl. 20:00 på Gatebil sin Facebook og på Robyworks sin Youtube-kanal.
Roberts Vītols og hans team er kanskje mest kjent for de fantastiske stemningfilmene fra Drift Allstars, og Gatebil har lenge ønsket at Robyworks også skulle lage film fra Gatebil sine festivaler.
– Vi har også lenge hatt lyst til å komme, forteller Robyworks sjef og grunnlegger Roberts Vītols til – Gatebil er veldig kjent hvor jeg kommer fra, og jeg har mange venner som har besøkt Rudskogen og fortalt at dette er drømmeland for å lage filmer jeg liker. Så da Gatebil inviterte oss nå i sommer kunne vi selvsagt ikke si nei.
Gatebil ønsket et lite crew, men Robyworks kom med alt de hadde.
– Alle i Robyworks ville være med. Det gikk ikke å velge bort noen, sier Robert og ler. – Så vi pakket med oss alt vi har av utstyr og dro 11 stykker, og selvsagt tok vi med vår Audi S7 følgebil, som gir mulighet for noen fantastisk fine bilder.
– Planen var å lage en Aftermovie. Men resultatet ble kanskje mer en film hvor vi viser frem hvor bra vi syntes det var på Gatebil. Vi jobbet hardt døgnet rundt, men det skjedde noe hele tiden, så det var umulig å få med alt. Men vi er allikevel godt fornøyd med hva vi fikk til, og gleder oss til å komme tilbake senere.
For Robyworks kommer tilbake allerede på Gatebil 24-26 august og på Mantorp 14-16 september.
– Da blir vi ikke like mange som i sommer, forklarer Robert. – Og filmene vi skal lage da blir litt annerledes enn den vi har laget nå. Da skal vi fortelle mer hva som hender i bl.a. Gatebil Drift Series og Gatebil Extreme, pluss forsøke å se nærmere på mange av de bilene og sjåførene som kanskje ikke er like kjente. Det var jo så utrolig mye kult å lage film om på Gatebil, masse som jeg vet folk over hele verden har lyst til å se, avslutter Robyworks-sjef Robert Vitols, og håper alle Gatebil-fans liker filmen de har laget fra Rudskogen i juli.
Gatebil ser også frem til et videre samarbeid med Robyworks, men først og fremst gleder vi oss til å se filmen fra Rudskogen i juli, som slippes tirsdag kveld kl. 20:00.
PS! Vil du vite mer om Robyworks sin tur til Gatebil – sjekk ut tekst på engelsk nederst i artikkelen.
Gatebil Rudskogen 24-26 august
Screenshots fra filmen:
Robyworks fra Latvia (her utenfor Pizza Viva Napoli i Rakkestad) kommer tilbake for å lage Aftermovie fra både Gatebil på Rudskogen 24-26 august og fra Mantorp Park i Sverige 14-16 september.
LINK: Gatebil Rudskogen 24-26 august
LINK: Kjøp billetter til Gatebil
Vil du lese mer om Robyworks sin tur til Gatebil – Her er en oppsummering på Engelsk.
WE DID IT! Already last year we were talking with the guys from GATEBIL about going there, but, as it is each year with the summertime in Latvia, it goes so quickly, that somehow we did not manage to get on the same page with their media crew. This year we tried one more time. So we started a long, long email conversation that resulted rewardingly – RW media / ROBYWORKS finally went to this mysterious event. Roberts, the brain of RW media: “Shortly before we left our hometown feelings were amazing. I even felt a little excitement about it, but in a good way. I knew that we have a strong team, and that we are a damn good hard-working team. Thought that we are going to make it.”
Robyworks beginnings are linked to Roberts Vītols and his stubborn attraction to camera. Since the first “soap-kind-of” camera got to his hands, he has never really stopped filming and with a huge desire and purposefulness has created a team of crazy-unstoppable young people, who are ready to give it all for the best shot. At first it was Roberts under the name of Robyworks, but by time and trying out to work with a lot of different people the team started to expand. Roberts best man in the crew is extremely talented Renārs Osītis. Now the team works under the name of RW media / Robyworks, because nowadays it is no longer only videos that we are creating. It is the full package. Social media, pictures, information… Everything. What do we film? Everything you can and cannot imagine. It is corporate events, commercials, celebrations, aftermovies. The most important – it all comes from an unconditional love and interest that we share for cars. I would say that most of the crew are totally sick diesel-heads.
If we talk about the team, then the core is Roberts and Renārs, and then come all other guys, that we gather together for particular projects, so it is almost impossible to tell how many RW media guys we are. Brief resume by referring to previous premise – uncountable diesel-heads.
“When we finally arrived, we received the nicest welcome from GATEBIL crew. Bjorn came himself and showed us our apartments (the old pits, that are not actually very old, or at least did not felt like it), told everything we needed to know, answered all our questions and took care of our hungry stomaches,” remembers Roberts. He adds that their warm welcome gave them a very good feeling and allowed to concentrate on what was really important. “Doubtlessly, it is our work,” he sums up.
Ground camera operator Pauls Zvirbulis continues by saying that for the first time in his life he felt “such a pleasant and sympathetic five-star welcoming from the organisers.” Chasecar pilot Edgars Dreijers notes: “It is unbelievable how Fredric Aasbø and other drivers were competing and how do they look in our cameras!” Dreijers describes the experience as the one that looks on the screen as million dollar shot. At the same time Pauls notes the possibility to see all the cars that I he has seen only in his dreams.
“At the first moment when RW media / Robyworks invited me to go on this crazy trip, I could not imagine, that GATEBIL is going to be a new milestone in my life,” says ground camera operator Edgars Vērpe. For him this happening was a huge step closer to his dream – to be together with people, who eyes are glowing brightly for the thing they love. Although he might sound like an idealist with a camera, Edgars sees ecstatic joy being self-devoting and seeing that rest of his colleagues are entirely devoting themselves. “That craziness gives a huge load of energy. All the briefings, meetings, mistakes, sleepless nights, heat, respect for each other, the ability to see from a side how brutal motorsport can be and to be a part of it… even behind the wheel(!)… For me it was something cosmic!” he continues. Edgars praises Roberts and Kristiana, the master-mind of RW media, for the contribution and flare.
For about two years I work for RW media as a producer. Shortly before I let my team on the track, we use to have briefings with the latest info. Mostly I talk about things that they know very well – safety, rules etc. I always wish them luck by saying, that the most important thing is not to forget about having some fun. I tend to highlight the importance of joyfulness. For me this was one of those cases when the most satisfying was seeing the spirit of determination. I saw that they were enjoying it, they are loving it and they are truly happy – their eyes were shining brightly despite tiredness. That made me even more happier than I was myself.
Alvis Franks, ground camera operator, remembers that before going to GATEBIL he was working in Denmark and filming Stance event. When he got back home, Alvis constantly spread a word about his excitement going to GATEBIL. “It felt like I even forgot about my trip to Denmark in the first place, because GATEBIL within all that holds inside – cars, emotions and people – they take over everything else you have done before,” he adds.
“Filming itself was tough and difficult. Mostly because I got cold short before we went to Norway, but the high level of adrenaline kept me going, and hype held me together,” the other side of filming describes Roberts. At the same time Pauls reminds about the adventurous part of it, because filming at GATEBIL is a breath-taking experience. “To catch the best shots, we had to run through forest jungle and climb rocks. It was so much fun,” he says. Roberts emphasises his inner feeling by knowing that he can trust his team and that no one are going to screw anything up. Everything is built on a trust and dedication from his perspective.
GATEBIL’s aftermovie was made from our point of view. For getting closer to the essence of this event and capturing it we have to thank to GATEBIL crew. They gave us all the freedom to express our vision for it.
We would love to go to each and every GATEBIL, because we know – as you are going to see in the movie – we have it in our blood already.
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